Breakfast Inspiration

Breakfast Inspiration.

In the loop of my everyday life I started longing for a weekend breakfast, homemade, no artificial ingredients, enjoyed at my own pace.  I began searching through the recipes and making plans. I wanted to create food I enjoy eating but feel guilty buying. The kind with not too much sugar, all real ingredients and a lot less expensive than store bought.

I began searching through recipes and making plans… However, I was surprisingly not inspired enough to jump into action. The reason, there was always something stopping me. Mostly things I created myself. I would wake up and not feel like putting an effort or tell myself that I had food ready in my fridge. Sometimes I would think that it was too much trouble to make food from scratch, other times I felt too tired. I can go on and on…

What I needed was a mental boost, inspiration strong enough to make my mood and thinking jump to a higher gear. In order to find this boost of creativity, I started looking for quotes. As I searched, I discovered ideas that were thought through and made those who wrote them better. Among these quotes, I found a few that spoke to me and energized my spirit. Furthermore, I’ve realized that inspiration and motivation can come from a variety of sources, including the wisdom and experiences of others. By collecting and sharing quotes and insights that resonate with me, I’ve been able to create a personal library of inspiration that I can turn to whenever I need a boost.

Below, I am including some of the ones I loved most at the time:

“The sky is not the limit. The mind is.”

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

“Do something instead of killing time. Because time is killing you.”

Little by little, gradually, the routine changed. I was eventually able to do something for myself. My weekend breakfasts were slowly but surely becoming slower, more enjoyable, and guilt-free.

Inspired by this transformation, I started saving the quotes that had motivated me and turned them into pins. If you come across these pins on the web, they will lead you to my blog.

Additionally, here are a few favorite breakfast creations that offer a range of flavors and nutrition to help you start your day off right:

Apple Turnovers


Crepes with Farmer’s Cheese

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