Scallion Pancakes

scallion pancake
Yields: 1 Serving Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 5 Mins Cook Time: 10 Mins Total Time: 15 Mins

Scallion pancakes or Chinese pancakes are popular in Chinese restaurants and available frozen in many stores. They are fast and easy to make at home. Delicious as a snack, an appetizer or a lunch. Crunchy on the outside and gooey/flaky on the inside.
Simply perfect to have at hand in your freezer. They cook fast, require very few ingredients and can be frozen raw, covered individually in plastic wrap. Saut̩ing does not require prior defrosting. Give them a try Рno cooking skill required. They are lovely and will satisfy most tastes.
The majority of the recipes available for this dish are similar. My favorite cooking presentation is by Ming Tsai:
Scallion Pancakes


0/10 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
  • Dipping sauce


0/4 Instructions
  • Using a mixer or by hand, mix flour and hot water. Continue kneading until the dough forms a ball. The final product should be smooth and elastic but not sticky. Slightly roll out the dough until it forms a disk. Cover with foil and refrigerate for 30min or up to 24 hours.
  • Slice the scallions and put aside. Take the dough out of the fridge and cut it into four equal pieces. On a slightly floured surface, roll out the first piece (using a rolling pin). It should form a thin rectangle. Brush it with sesame oil. Sprinkle with salt and one fourth of the scallions. Starting with the longer side roll the dough tightly, just like making a jelly roll . Twist each end of the log in opposite directions (a couple of times) and start wrapping it around itself until it forms a tight coil. Tuck the ends underneath the coil. Make four pancakes.
  • Using a rolling pin, flatten the dough until it is about 1/4 inch thick. Heat a frying pan with a little bit (1-2 tbsp.)of neutral oil. Cook pancakes one by one, making sure each side becomes crispy and evenly cooked. Add more oil between pancakes or as needed. Slice all the pancakes into wedges and enjoy.
  • Dipping sauce
  • Mix warm water and sugar until dissolved. Add rest of the ingredients and mix well. Set aside.


Be careful making hot water dough by hand. It will be very hot to the touch. You can start by mixing flour and water with a wooden spoon.
When seasoning with salt, do not be skimpy - with too little salt, the pancakes will taste bland.
The dough needs to rest before sauteing. Please make sure to keep it in the fridge for 30min to 24 hours.

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