Category: Canning and Preserving, Sauces, Dressings and Rubs
Cuisine: Eastern Europen
Cooking Method: Canning, Preserving

20 Servings
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 20 Mins
Adjust Servings
- Broil the peppers in 500F for 10min. Make sure to turn them around after the first 5min. to ensure even burning of the skin. You can also do this on the stove top by burning the skin of the peppers directly on the flame. Put on rubber gloves to protect your skin from Capsaicin (skin irritation/burning). Let the jalapeños cool then peel off the skin. Cut them in half, remove ribs and seeds. Chop coarsely. Put all of your chopped peppers at the bottom of the large bowl. Peel 2-3 cloves of garlic, mince them and mix with the peppers.
It is hard to measure precisely the amount of oil and vinegar because every grocery store has different sizes of bunches of parsley or dill. Start with adding as much as in the recipe but if the relish is too dry or not sour enough, add one tablespoon of oil and vinegar at a time. The proportions of oil and vinegar in this relish should remain 1:1.
You might also add 1/2 tsp. more of salt if this is your preference.
Keep this condiment in the fridge.