spring garden

Spring Garden

Watching the growth of my spring garden makes me feel hopeful and refreshed.
For many years, gardening was far from my mind even though I grew up in a family that cultivated gardens. There were always flowers and vegetables grown in my parents’ garden. I never really thought much of them until I moved into my first apartment. Only then I started missing the excitement of watching things grow in the spring.
These days, I have a small yard with a couple of raised beds where I grow vegetables and herbs. Every April, planning starts with the purchase of seeds. I then saw them indoors in small amounts; just the things I love eating. For me, this is when the beauty of spring really begins. Most of my seedlings will be planted in my garden but some will go to friends.
The moment of planting them into the garden starts a new chapter in summer cooking.
This year, salads and scallion (Chinese) pancakes are the very first to be made, using new crops of lettuces, green onions and chives.
Grow something this spring, even if all you have is your windowsill. Chives and herbs will brighten your kitchen and bring a smile on your face. More than anything, you will experience joy and an enthusiasm for cooking.

Here is my recipe for Scallion Pancakes

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